Do Gender and Learning Style Play a Role in How Online Courses Should Be Designed?

Diana Garland
Barbara N. Martin
Missouri State University


The Kolb Learning Style Inventory was used to identify differences between the learning styles of 168 students in traditional face-to-face courses and students in matched courses taught online. Additionally, the data for the online courses were divided by gender to determine if gender was a factor. Results of the analysis found that there was a difference in the learning style of the online student and the student in the face-to-face course and that gender was a factor in the relationship between learning style and student engagement. The implications for online course designers are significant. When designing online courses the learning style and gender of all students must be considered.

About the Author(s)...

Diana K. Garland has been working with students at Missouri State University since 1981. She has been an academic advisor, per course faculty member, and is currently Associate Director of Academic Outreach. She has presented research on online learning, learning style and gender at state and national distance learning and higher education conferences. Dr. Garland serves as President of the Missouri Distance Learning Association and as Chair for the SMSU Staff Senate. She may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Barbara N. Martin received her EdD from the University of Missouri in Leadership and Policy Analysis. She has been a classroom teacher, a Director of Special Education, and a building level principal. She has experience in research, presentation, and publication in the areas of online learning, cultural diversity, rural education, and educational leadership. Dr. Martin is a Professor in Educational Administration and the Doctoral Coordinator of the collaborative doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia and Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri. She may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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