The Development of Socialization in an On-line Learning Environment
Norah Jones
Paul Peachey
University of Glamorgan
The paper investigates interactions on five online courses involving staff that currently lecture or support learners in further and higher education at the University of Glamorgan, and its partner colleges throughout Wales. The qualitative research involves an ethnographical study of the ethos of the online communities of students. The findings suggest that if Stage 1 of the model is effectively designed and facilitated then socialization occurs at this stage. The design of Stage 2 of the ‘Model of teaching and learning online through online networking’ is problematic. The paper calls for a review of the relationship between the strategic objectives and their relative tasks in these important early stages of development.
About the Author(s)...
Norah Jones is a Professor of Education at the University of Glamorgan and is Head of the Quality and Research Unit of E-College Wales. She has been involved in e-learning since 2000 when she managed the academic team in the Business School developing materials online. Previously, Norah was Associate Head in the Business School at the University of Glamorgan and has spent most of her career teaching Organizational Behavior and Management. Norah has a doctorate in education management; she is a Chartered Psychologist and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. She can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Paul Peachey is currently a module leader and lecturer responsible for the delivery of four modules of a Web-based BA Enterprise course across Wales. He has also been involved in staff development in online moderation. Paul is currently a Ph.D. student researching the dynamics of learning communities within an online learning environment. He may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..