Book Review: Breaking Down the Digital Walls: Learning to Teach in a Post-Modem World (By R. W. Burniske and Lowell Monke)

Reviewed by:

Richard E. Ferdig
University of Florida



R. W. Burniske and Lowell Monke have written a book about education and technology that requires a patient reader, one who is willing to reflect on issues without demanding resolution. This suggestion for a target audience originates from the authors in the beginning of their book on learning to teach in a “post-modem” world. The recommendation is useful, though, in preparing readers for the authors’ use of dialectical discourse. Drawing on Freire (1997), the authors define dialectical discourse as “a continual interdependent cycle of communication, critical thinking, and insight growing toward the light of truth” (p. 226). They highlight this type of interaction, as it is their main educational goal for past and future telecollaborative projects—to get students to emotionally engage in open-ended inquiry while being sufficiently detached to reason and accept ambiguity and tension.

About the Author(s)...

Richard E. Ferdig holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the College of Education at Michigan State University, specializing in Technology and Cognition; a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology from Michigan State University; and, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Calvin College. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Florida, where he heads up the production track of the educational technology program. This track is aimed at combining cutting-edge technology with current educational theory to create innovative learning environments. His research interests include literacy and technology, technology and teacher education, and what he labels a "deeper psychology of technology." He can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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