Windows to the World: Perspectives on Case-based Multimedia Web Projects in Science

Mary Lundeberg
Mark Bergland
Karen Klyczek
University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Dan Hoffman
River Falls High School


Open-ended computer simulations enable students to solve scientific problems through case studies in areas such as human genetics. Use of the Internet allows students to communicate and discuss their scientific findings with others through Web-based posters and electronic conferencing. The aims of this study were to (1) examine high school students’ learning during this case-based multimedia project; (2) analyze the interaction that occurred during electronic conferencing based on the high school and college students’ Web posters in the United States, England, and Australia, and (3) compare the perspectives of high school students, and high school teacher on this project.

About the Author(s)...

Mary Lundeberg, a Professor in the Teacher Education Department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, teaches educational psychology, research methods and science pedagogy. Her research interests include assessing what and how students learn from technology projects, examining cultural and gender influences on confidence, and studying case-based instruction. In 1994, Dr. Lundeberg was recognized as Teacher Educator of the year in Wisconsin, and in 1999-2000 she was awarded Outstanding Faculty member in the College of Education. AACTE (American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education) presented her with the Best Practice Award for the Innovative Use of Technology in 1999.She can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Mark Bergland, a Professor in the Biology Department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, has taught Introductory Biology at UW-River Falls for 24 years. Dr. Bergland has developed educational software with support from the National Science Foundation and the University of Wisconsin System. His software has been published by the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, and results of grant activities have been presented at numerous national and international conferences.

Karen Klyczek, a Professor and Chair of the Biology Department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, has presented results of the Case It! project and other research at numerous regional and national conferences. Dr. Klyczek is a past recipient of the Outstanding Faculty award for the Science Division of the College of Arts and Sciences, and recently received the Teacher of the Year award for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. In addition to case-based learning, her research interests include immunology, resistance to virus-induced diseases, and regulation of gene expression.

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